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In the World of Wonder, four members of the Kool Kidz Klub Kay guild received a quest from the guild to save all the children of the Saki village from a slimy monster while they were travelling. The slimy monster have attacked the Saki village and kidnapped all the children, and then fled. The four members travelled many places to search for the monster, and they finally found the monster in a temple after months later. After a hard-fought fight they defeated the slimy monster and rescued all the children.

ONCE upon a time there were 4 legendary treasure hunters on an epic quest to steal the infamous polygem. Eve, the seemingly innocent archer, Sley, the strong but silent warrior, Arie, the clever but clumsy assassin and Json, the tallest dwarf.  Legend has it that a treacherous being guards the sacred polygem that transforms the spatial perception of those who possess it. And so the treasure hunters embark on a journey to steal this gem for themselves.




(1) A Close up of a book shutting, ending the epilogue of 2D images



(2) Cuts into a close up shot of Json’s face

JSON: Is this good enough for your guys’


(3) epic tale of adventure…. (sarcastically)


(4) An establishing shot of the group in the forest, birds eye view.

EVE: yeah, thats perfect!!

(5) A cut-in medium shot of tall grass, blocking the team from the camera view

SLEY: Grunts unintelligibly as he cuts the grass**



(6) Sley’s sword cutting through the grass. Revealing the team


(7) A medium shot of the group, introducing Eve, Sley, and Arie

EVE: Do you guys think we're almost there! I’m hungry.

SLEY: grunts**  

ARIE: no...we got a long way to go.


(8) Camera zooms into Sley’s chestplate, eventually into black

EVE: awww, can we stop by to get food first? I heard there’s a nice takoyaki place around here!


(9) Black screen, music starts to cue the traveling montage


---------------------------MONTAGE SEQUENCE STARTS WITH COOL EPIC MUSIC----------------------


(10) Black fades into a very wide shot showing the forest setting

(11) tree slides from right to left, covering full scene, allowing transitions to the next scene *sound of rustling leaves*

(12) Very wide shot showing the volcanic environment

(13) mini volcano erupts from bottom of the screen *bubbling lava sound* - Extreme Close-up of lava/steam coming up from the bottom of the screen to transition to the next scene

(14) Very wide shot showing the underwater cavern

(15) Close-up of a fish passing by from right to left, covering the full scene, allowing transition to next scene *water bubble sound*


-----------------------In front of the temple : Polygone’s temple----------------------


(16) Over-the shoulder, extreme wide shot of the scene showing the temple and floating islands creating a pathway in front of the group

*fading yet epic music*

ARIE: So there it is huh.

Sley: *grunts*


(17) Medium Shot of the group and Eve signalling the group to hurry up

EVE: alright, what are we waiting for then? let's get hoppin


(18) Worm’s eye view from the foot of the temple behind protagonists

EVE: whooaaaaa! It looks like a giant cake!

JSON: looks a lot bigger than in the books.



(19) Close-up of Arie’s face in distress, background conversation is slightly muffled

EVE: Speaking of cake--

EVE: Whhhaaattttt *whine* I’m so hungry stillll


(20) Cuts into a Worm’s eye view with a close-up shot of Arie’s fist

JSON: If you’re hungry, you should’ve brought something to eat before coming

SLEY: The faster we finish, the sooner we’ll get to eat


(21) Cuts into Medium Shot of the group, Arie passing by from left to right

ARIE: Stop goofing around--we don’t have all day!


*Eve and Sley eye each other and shrug. Json does his own thing.

(22) Medium shot of the group, exiting to the right of the screen



(23) Medium Close-up of the door from inside the temple, facing towards the door, light is visible from the outside every time Arie punches the door

**bang** Arie hits the door

ARIE: oww…

*hear sound of someone pushing arie aside


SLEY: I got this.


*door opening sound in a massive way


(24) Wide shot of the group in silhouette form, framed by the door

Epic silhouette team

EVE: Cough cough, it sure is dusty!

BOSS: *quiet growl


(25) Wide shot of the monster’s eyes in the darkness

The Eyes

BOSS: *loud growl


(26) Bird’s eye view, wide shot of the group running into the temple

Fast zoom out from the outside of the temple (shows group running into the door)

SLEY: lets do this!

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